Matt Brennan is a Chicago freelance writer specializing in content marketing strategies for businesses. He started Matthew L. Brennan Freelance Writing as a vehicle to help businesses differentiate themselves from their competition. His corporate writing services include website content, ghost blogging, brochure writing and more. He's worked as a journalist for more than 10 years, and has also been published on ProBlogger, Soshable, and Business2Community.
When it comes to discovering a winning social media and online content strategy, monitoring your website traffic is key. I typically use Google Analytics. From there you can understand what is driving traffic and what isn’t, and figure out a plan to make your time more productive. Matthew L. Brennan – Corporate Writing Services
When you’re going out to meet a perspective client for the first time, make sure that you’ve familiarized yourself with their business and their online message. Think about it this way, you (hopefully) wouldn’t go to a job interview without putting in the research. It doesn’t matter if they’re paying you by project or by…
Think about your clients and customers. Even the businesses that are not challenged by geography may have a larger list of local clients. This is because the time and effort was put in to cultivate this relationship in person. You can build business relationships online as well, just keep in mind that it will take…
In the day and age of 24/7 publishing, ideas are a valuable currency. When you step away from the computer and quit trying to squeeze blood out of a turnip is exactly when the best ones strike. Consider keeping a notebook or using an app like Evernote to keep track of your best ideas on…
When you publish your content, and then post your blog on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, you’re not done. Try syndicating your blog with multiple channels. Sites like Alltop, Business2Community and Amazon are always looking for compelling blog content to publish. These provide a great way to stay visible. Matthew L. Brennan – Corporate Writing Services
Find the Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google Plus groups that make the most sense for your business. These can often be the best ways to develop online business relationships. Don’t just post links, however. Ask questions, comment on others’ posts, and actively participate. It’s a good way to expand your professional network. Matthew L. Brennan – Corporate Writing…
All our lives, we’ve been taught that stealing is wrong. When it comes to producing social media and blogging content for your business, that’s not always the case. If you see an idea that you like, steal it. I’m not talking about plagiarism. I’m talking about taking an idea that’s out there and putting your…
What are the other people in your industry posting online? It’s important to study what the successful businesses within your industry have done to build their platform. Learn from their successes and try similar things yourself. It’s important to have an understanding of your market. Matthew L. Brennan – Corporate Writing Services
One of the best ways to provide true value as you network and market your business is to problem solve. It’s up to you to understand what problem your potential customers have, and how your business solves it. Once you have a firm understanding of this, talking about your business becomes easier. Matthew L. Brennan – Corporate…
You’ll need to consider your audience in everything that you post online. What are they looking for? What kind of information works well, and in what form? What are the fun and engaging things you can post? You’ll need to find your audience where they’re at, and be authentic. You’re not writing for other businesses…