I consider myself the “introducer”. Much like producing the introduction of similar people who I believe could and should do business together. I create the interest, peak the curiosity, and close the deal. How does this help me with networking? They remember me. Every time. See, it’s not about me, it’s about them. But, and it’s a HUGE but, once I have made the introduction – whether in person or via email or social sites – if there is not follow-up by either party, then I shall never introduce them again. Integrity and respect are key elements to the introduction. They call me the “introducer” and I take it with serious fun!
Sally Rutledge-Ott, ACE, NFPC – Women With Power, Principal
Author: Sally Rutledge-Ott
http://www.ottselectric.com Sally began change management for chambers and not-for-profit organizations throughout the State of Illinois over 25 years ago providing facilitation and organizational development. She has trained and facilitated over 300 board of directors and staff.
She currently runs three companies: Women With Power, Illinois Not-For-Profit Alliance, and is Managing Partner of Ott Electric.
She received her Accredited Chamber Executive status in 2007 from the State of Illinois Chamber, was inducted into the American Chamber of Commerce Lifetime Achievement Circle of only 25 nationwide for Million Dollars in Sales in 2010, and was ranked 3rd in the Nation for Sales. She holds Certified Chamber Executive credentials from the US Chamber of Commerce as well. She holds a US Copyright on Antitrust Guidelines, Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality Statements. She is Not-For-Profit Certified.